Friday 29 April 2011



Values are sets of rules which people are brought up around and have set as a way of them to live their lives. Values can also be seen as expectations by some people as it means that this is how they must achieve their lifelong desires.  People’s values can alter the way in which they behave in different situations and play a key part in decision making during their lifetimes. When it comes to purchasing products and services the way people value it can alter whether or not they will be likely to purchase it. There are a number of different factors which influence values this includes, culture, social class as well as individual beliefs. Although individuals have a set of values which they live by these can change depending on lifelong experiences and I think depending on your age and status in life these are things which are always being adjusted, when we are children our values are based around our parents so therefore as we grow older these are bound to change.

There are a number of different Value theories which can be looked at, these include Kahle’s list of values (1983), Kahle suggested nine stages which must be prioritised to an order of which ones influence our lifestyles.

Another theory is the Laddering technique, this suggests the there are specific end rules which people have, they see a number of different routes which they could take and they chose one route depending on their values. Different products then become a way of them to reach these goals. By using laddering techniques it enables people to identify the links between functional product attributes and desired end states.

This is a means end conceptualization of the components of advertising strategy. In order to use this approach researchers have to make a map in order to identify relationships between functional products or service attributes and terminal values. Once this information has been found it can then be used to develop advertising strategies by identifying things such as:
Consumer benefit- These are the positive outcomes of using the product or service
Driving force- What the advertising will focus on at the end
Leverage point- How the message will activate the end value by combing it with specific product features
Message elements- The specific characteristics or product features which are going to be portrayed
Executional framework- The overall style and tone of the advertisement
(Solomon et al pg 206)

From personal experience I know there have been a number of different things which have happened across the world which have influenced me personally, one major event was the Pakistan Earthquake which took place in 2005 which killed approximately 74,698 people. This was an event very close to me as I have a lot of family in Pakistan who were also affected by the powerful 5.2 magnitude earthquake. I think this event encouraged me to give to charities more regularly and also changed me as it made me realise I should be thankful for what I have.

Videos of major events:

 Class activities:
During class we were asked to look at key events from recent years which we can remember and have affected us. We then created our own table of important events.

Key events which affected me

Diana’s death
World trade centre attacks
London bombings
Hurricane katrina
Pakistan Kashmir earthquake
Pakistan Floods
 Spain wins world cup

We were also asked to take part in a VALS test from this we were able to assess what type of person you are and what type of approach you have in life. The results I recieved from the test were as followed:

How values affect advertising:
There are a number of ways in which values affect advertising, however it's not only the way in which a product is advertised however it's also the product in itself. For example a product like alcohol would not be purchased by a muslim no matter how it is advertised and portraid as it is against their values and beliefs.
Marketers must be carfeul how they advertise a product to societies as it can affect how successful a product is. If a product or service being advertised is against a persons values system or a whole societies value system they would not purchase it.
An example I have found is the recent Lynx advert. By using phrases such as 'Even angels will fall', this can be seen as quite affensive for those who are very strict on religion. In countries such as Spain and Saudi Arabia these adverts would be unacceptable because of strong religios beliefs, values and attitudes.


  1. Consumer behaviour: A European perspective: Fourth Edition:2010             Michael R.Solomon, Gary Bamossy, Soren askegaard, Margaret K. Hogg
  2. ( Accessed: 28/04/2011)
  3. ( Accessed: 28/04/2011)

1 comment:

  1. Really good coverage so far but try to find the marketing application - how is this reflected in advertising?
